S.J. Pierce, International Bestselling Author.
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The thought of being a one-woman man used to send me into a backspin. For Scarlett, I’ll fight like hell to try...
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About S.J. Pierce

I assume you found your way here either by reading one of my books or Googling me. Either way, I’m glad you’ve come to visit!
I’m a lover of all things Romance and Paranormal, even the things that go bump in the night. Give me a good scary story with ghosts and spirits, and though I probably won’t sleep for an entire week afterward, I’ll enjoy it as I’m watching or reading it. I love all animals, particularly dogs, and I’m especially fond of pugs.
I’m a stepmother to two brilliant, beautiful children, whose father I love with all my heart. And although I like to travel, I love living in the open spaces of the South, where the summers are humid, the winters are mild, and almost everyone has an affinity for all things fried.